How to Prep Your Garden for Winter in Northwestern Ontario
How to Prep Your Garden for Winter in Northwestern Ontario
Prepping your garden for winter may take a little effort, but it’s well worth it. You’ll thank yourself come spring when your soil is healthy, your plants are protected, and you’re ready to get growing again.

How to Prep Your Garden for Winter in Northwestern Ontario

As the crisp air starts settling in and the days grow shorter, it’s time to start thinking about putting the garden to bed for the winter. Prepping your garden now will not only protect it from the harsh conditions of a northwestern Ontario winter but also give you a head start on next spring’s growing season. Here's how I prep my garden for those frigid months when temperatures can drop to -40°.

Harvest Remaining Crops

First things first: I make sure to harvest anything still growing. Even root vegetables like carrots and beets should be pulled out before the ground freezes solid. If there are any hardy greens like kale or spinach left, I’ll give them one last cut, as they tend to withstand frost but won't survive for long in deep cold.
winter leaf

Clean Up Garden Beds

Once the crops are harvested, I clear out all plant debris. This includes removing any dead plants, weeds, and leftover vegetables. It’s tempting to leave things for next year, but this debris can harbor pests and diseases that will overwinter and make a mess of your garden come spring. Plus, a clean garden looks much tidier as the snow starts falling!

Compost or Till Organic Matter

Next, I add organic matter back into the soil. This can be compost, shredded leaves, or well-rotted manure. In my experience, spreading it across the garden beds and lightly tilling it into the soil allows it to break down over the winter, enriching the soil for next spring.
If you're like me and compost right in your garden, this is the perfect time to turn your compost pile. That way, the decomposition process can continue under the snow, and you'll have fresh compost ready when the thaw arrives.

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

Applying a thick layer of mulch is key to protecting the soil. I usually spread a layer of straw, wood chips, or leaves over the garden beds to act as a protective blanket. Mulch helps to insulate the soil, preventing the freeze-thaw cycles that can damage plant roots. Plus, it minimizes erosion and keeps moisture in the ground.
If you’re overwintering perennials like garlic or herbs, mulch is especially important. It protects the bulbs or roots, giving them a better chance of surviving the winter and coming back strong in the spring.
winter rose

Winterize Garden Tools

Once the garden itself is set, I turn my attention to my tools. It’s easy to forget, but after a season of use, your tools will need a little TLC. I clean off any dirt, sharpen blades, and oil the metal parts to prevent rusting. Then, I store everything in a dry place, safe from the snow and cold.
This is also a good time to drain garden hoses and store them away. After running over a few garden hoses with the lawnmower in the past (whoops), I’ve learned that taking the time to put them away properly saves a lot of hassle next year.

Protect Trees and Shrubs

If you have fruit trees or shrubs, like my apple and pear trees, you'll need to protect them from wildlife. Around here, deer, raccoons, and even bears can wreak havoc on young trees. I like to wrap the trunks with tree guards or burlap to prevent animals from stripping the bark.
Additionally, applying a thick layer of mulch around the base of each tree helps insulate their roots. And, if you’ve had any issues with deer in the past, consider putting up a fence or using deer repellents to keep them at bay throughout the winter.

Plan for Next Spring

With everything tucked away, this is the perfect time to sit down and reflect on what worked (and what didn’t) in the garden this year. I usually jot down a few notes and make plans for next year, whether it’s rotating crops, trying new varieties, or building a new raised bed. It’s also the best time to order seeds before the spring rush!
Prepping your garden for winter may take a little effort, but it’s well worth it. You’ll thank yourself come spring when your soil is healthy, your plants are protected, and you’re ready to get growing again. Plus, there's something incredibly satisfying about knowing your garden is safely tucked away, ready to rest under a blanket of snow.
Do you have any favorite winter prep tips? Let me know in the comments, and happy gardening!
If you want a handy checklist to help you get your garden ready for winter, don’t forget to download my Fall Garden Prep Checklist—free when you sign up for my mailing list!
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